Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fiction To Non Fiction Author Asks for Advice from a sincere audience.

premonishoner.blogspot.comMy dear friends. Its been quite along time since i have posted a Blog from this site ! The last time i believe was June of 2012. I was in complete shock of writing a Fiction story that came alive in reality. Making my book a Non Fiction book in reality. I have come very far since then, On my private quest you could say telling and hoping someone would listen to me and connect all my dots on LinkedIn Face Book and Twitter. Really achieving this incredible never thought of possibility of a person ever connecting Fiction and Non fiction in the same story in reality would of only come from maybe my Idol King of Fiction Mr Rod Serling. Creator of the Twilight Zone series and Night Gallery.  Ow i wish he was alive. I wrote Carol Serling his wife and Daughter but received know response. Can i blame them No they probably think i am some kind of crazy nut. Not realizing i am a Christian Man with kids and have 4 Baptist Pastors as witnesses to my true story. Now someone might say how can you prove you wrote a story and it occurred later after you wrote it. Well quite simply Ink Forensic experts ! Thats right i found them myself. In fact i drove 1,200 miles to drop my book off to them and paid them lots of money. Why would i give them 3,000 dollars plus a signed statement from my former pastor and his wife because they are witnesses that they viewed my book 3 days after it occurred on my exact opening chapter Month ! Day ! and Year ! So now that i am 95 per cent to the finish line i need someone with knowledge of business ethics to help me achieve this historical task.  If you can please give me a message at Come make history yourself by helping me. Please respond ASAP. Thank you. Sincerely Michael Tomlin soon to become the First Fiction to Non Fiction Author in the World in one story. Many blessings to all as well.